Neotropical Nature & Birding



A Harpy Eagle  nest was first discovered 12 years ago but just recently has been opened for visitors within a very important area for conservation in the foothills of Sumaco Napo – Galeras National Park.This breeding pair is already caring for and guarding a chick. This couple is nesting in an 8000 hectare reserve protected by the Avila Viejo Community in the Ecuadorean Amazon Region. We have developed a comprehensive tour  together with community guides and members of the indigenous community. This successful nest is currently protected and will serve as a powerful tool to promote the conservation of the area through the development of sustainable activities with the direct participation of the community members in activities related to tourism, research, education and conservation. 

This tour also offers the opportunity to explore by canoe a fascinating oxbow lake, terra firme trails, parrot clay licks and  river islands, giving you the chance to witness the unique and amazing biodiversity of wildlife of the region.  Here one of our local guides has located a territory of the elusive  White-lored Antpitta and set up a feeding area, providing the chance to admire and photograph this extremely elusive species  from a very close range. Other target birds present in the area are Black-banded Crake, the extremely local Pale-eyed Blackbird, Azure Gallinule, Zig-zag Herons, Wire-tailed Manakins among others.

This tour can be run from Quito or as an extension tour for our Amazon Rainforest & Eastern Slopes tour. Please contact us to get information of the tour details: info@neotropicalecuador

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness"



Quito - Papallacta-Pass - Quijos Valley
After breakfast you’ll drive East towards the Papallacta Pass, a very tundra-like habitat. On clear days the views of the surroundings and various volcanoes are breath-taking; a stop right up at the pass is one of the best spots to photograph the snow-capped Antisana Volcano as it towers over the mountains below. If weather allows, at the highest elevations you’ll seek out the secretive and cryptic Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe. You’ll check stands of Polylepis woodland for Giant Conebill, Black-backed Bush Tanager, White-chinned Thistletail, Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager, Pearled Treerunner, Golden-crowned Tanager, Pale-naped Brush-Finch and the scarce Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant. Here you’ll look for unique hummingbird species like the extraordinary Rainbow-bearded Thornbill The area to visit covers the surroundings of two national parks with special natural feeding sites where the presence of bears is frequent all year around. The paramo is rich in important food sources for the bears’ mostly herbivorous diet; Puya sp. is pretty abundant in this ecosystem also covered with grasslands, small bushes and elfin trees. The area has a system of roads and trails of varying difficulty, allowing you to cover big extensions of territory in short time. After a productive day you’ll continue your way to Rio Quijos Ecolodge. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, entrance fees, accommodation Rio Quijos Ecolodge, meals (B/L/D).


Quijos- Loreto
Immersed in the Tropical Andes, surrounded by forested mountains and drained by a refreshing network of rivers that actually flows to the mighty Amazon basin, Quijos Valley presents unique birdwatching and nature enjoyment opportunities. In the morning we can visit a lek of one of the most iconic bird species in the cloud forest; The Andean Cock of the Rock. This species exhibits marked sexual dimorphism, the male has a large disk-like crest and a very unique vivid scarlet plumage. Gatherings of males compete for breeding females with each male displaying its colorful plumage, bobbing and hopping, and making strident calls. An amazing diversity of hummingbird species will make this a memorable experience. Green-backed Hillstar, Violet-fronted Brillant, Peruvian-booted Raquetail, Gorgeted Woodstar, Bronzy Inca, Tawny-bellied Hermit among other species are common at different locations of this valley. This area acts as a very important continuous corridor between the Andes and the vast tropical rainforest of the Amazon Region. Due to its location on the Equator, the steep Andean foothills, and the close proximity of the Amazon, the Quijos Valley area hosts one of the richest diversity records in the world. In the afternoon, you’ll drive towards Loreto, to spend the night in Hotel Ojo de Agua. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, entrance fees, accommodation Hotel Ojo de Agua in Loreto, meals (B/L/D)


Harpy Eagle
We have developed a comprehensive tour together with community guides and members of the indigenous village of Avila Viejo. Today you’ll visit a successful Harpy Eagle nest, which is currently protected and will serve as a powerful tool to promote the conservation of the area through the development of sustainable activities with the direct participation of the community members in activities related to tourism, research, education and conservation. Here you'll witness the enigmatic and mighty Harpy Eagle. The nest was first discovered 12 years ago but just recently has been opened for visitors within a very important area for conservation in the foothills of Sumaco Napo - Galeras National Park. The parents are already taking care of and guarding a 3-month-old chick. Females are bigger than the males and can weight more than 24 pounds. This species has the most powerful claws of all raptors- often larger than a grizzly’s bear. We’ll spend all morning admiring the Harpy Eagle and other birds. After lunch in Loreto we’ll continue our way to Amazonian lowland rainforest to Limoncocha. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, entrance fees, accommodation at Limoncocha lodge Cabañas Antpitta (Simple community accommodation), meals (B/L/D)


Yasuni National Park - Parrot clay licks & Canopy observation tower
Today you'll drive 50 minutes to Puerto Providencia to embark on a 40-minute canoe ride towards the Yasuni National Park. Here you'll experience a show of sounds and colors as your reach one of the most accessible parrot clay licks in Amazonia; hundreds of these are scattered all over the Amazon rainforest. You'll arrive just before the parrot activity kicks off between 7:30 to 8:30. Five different species of parrots frequent this clay lick: Dusky-headed Parakeet, White-eyed Parakeet, Blue-headed Parrot, Yellow-crowned Amazon Parrot, and the Mealy Amazon Parrot. After this you’ll take a trail and hike through a terra-firme forest trail for about 30 minutes towards the second parrot clay lick. This one becomes active around 10 am. Some of the species that regularly visit this clay lick are: Cobalt-winged Parakeet, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet and the extraordinary Scarlet Macaw. The whole process is fascinating; upon arrival to the clay lick, the birds can be heard high up in the trees, over time the sound gets louder as they fly down and get closer to the ground, to the place where they can get the clay enriched with mineral salts, which also helps them to neutralize certain toxins that they ingest with their food. Later you'll return to the center of the Añangu Kichwa community to enjoy a box lunch and get a well-deserved break after a productive morning. Later you'll walk for approximately 20 minutes on a scenic trail that leads you to your destination: a 115 ft high canopy tower. It is a great way to experience the life above the forest floor. As you ascend, you'll pass through different levels of the forest and emerge on top of a huge Ceiba tree. Tanagers, Cotingas, Aracaris, Puffbirds, Flycatchers and more perch or pass right through the canopy of the tree. Later you'll take a canoe to start your return to Limoncocha. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, private motor boat transportation to Yasuni National Park, entrance fees to Yasuni National Park, accommodation Limoncocha, meals (B/L/D).


Limoncocha Biological Reserve
Early in the morning start the day with a birding activity that includes a visit to the only known feeding area for the rare and elusive White-lored Antpitta and Black-banded Crake. After this you'll return for lunch. In the afternoon you'll visit the bird-filled oxbow lake of Limoncocha. During the boat ride you'll have the chance for remarkable birds such as Hoatzins, Azure Gallinule, Gilded and Scartet-crowned Barbets, Cocoi Herons, Zig-zag Herons, Snail Kites, Masked Crimson Tanagers, Blue-crowned Trogons, Black-capped Donacobius, Greater Anis, Striated Herons and Capped Herons along with different primate species that roam the lush vegetation around the lake. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, motor boat lake and river transportation, entrance fees to Limoncocha Biological Reserve, accommodation at Limoncocha Community Lodge (Simple accommodation), meals (B/L/D)


Wild Sumaco
After breakfast you'll prepare for a road trip towards Wild Sumaco Lodge. The lodge is set on a ridge in the Andes' eastern foothills, with panoramic views reaching across the Rio Pucuno Valley and to the Andes beyond. The lodge is located at a comfortable elevation of about 4900 feet a.s.l.; the forest reserve ranges from 3900 to 4900 feet a.s.l. Due to its location on the Equator, the steep Andean foothills, and the close proximity of the Amazon, the Sumaco area hosts one of the richest diversity records in the world. A wonderful mix of cloud forest species, foothill specialties, and typically amazonian birds share Wildsumaco's lush subtropical rain forest with a myriad of other animals. An astonishing 510 bird species have been recorded in this reserve and the immediately surrounding area, many of which are rare, endangered, or very difficult to see elsewhere. At night Banded-bellied Owl, Rufescent Screech Owl, and Foothill Screech Owl often call up close. Overnight at Wild Sumaco. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, entrance fees, accommodation in Wild Sumaco, meals (B/L/D).


Wild Sumaco - Quito
Today you’ll spend much of your time birding dirt roads and forest trails. They have a special set up with lights traps which attracts birds such as White-chested Puffbird, White- backed Fire-Eye, Black-faced Antbird, Peruvian Warbling Antbird, among others. Wildsumaco Lodge is also the perfect destination for those looking for hummingbirds. More than 30 species of hummingbirds have visited Wildsumaco feeders to date, including Lazuline Sabrewing, Ecuatoriano Piedtail, Napo Sabrewing, Black-throated Brilliant, White-tailed Hillstar, Wire-Crested Thorntail, and Gould's Jewelfront. The White-tipped Sicklebill frequents the heliconias, and the Gorgeted Woodstar, White-Bellied Woodstar, and Violet-headed Hummingbird can usually be found in the porterweed in front of the rooms. After a very productive morning that includes a visit to the feeding station for Ochre-breasted and Plain-backed Antpittas, you'll enjoy lunch at the lodge and prepare to drive back to Quito. On the way back we will stop at Guango Lodge to get a taste of the beautiful Andean temperate forests. Colorful mixed flocks with birds such as Lacrimose and Hooded Mountain Tanagers, Blue-backed Conebill, Black-capped Hemispingus can be seen around the lodge. Here we have possibilities for the stunning Gray Breasted Mountain-Toucan, Andean Guan, Barred Fruiteater and Northern Mountain Cacique. Time permitting, along the Papallacta River we’ll try to find a unique resident of fast flowing mountain rivers, a powerful swimmer and diver: The Torrent Duck. Drop off in Quito Airport, or your hotel of choice. INCLUDES: Private specialized guide, private transportation, entrance fees, meals (B/L/-).
*Ask us about our options to extend your trip to the Andean Western Slopes or to other destinations in the eastern slopes.


Trips considerations

This is a sample itinerary subject to change due to weather conditions, safety, and particular interests of guests and groups. Changes and additions are made in order to maximize your birding experience and wilderness enjoyment.

If you prefer to flight back to Quito from Coca, please let us know so we can schedule this trip accordingly.


Note: A city tour in Old Town Quito or check for options of day tour close to Quito, which can be included upon request at the beginning or end of the trip.


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